
(Click Each Photo for Larger Image)
Transformers G1 Duocons Battletrap COMPLETE and UNBROKEN.   Price $20.  I will also give discounts for purchases of larger amounts of toys, so prices can be negotiated.
Transformers G1 Sharkticon Gnaw.  Stickers on back are missing but figure is COMPLETE and UNBROKEN.  Price $45.   I will also give discounts for purchases of larger amounts of toys, so prices can be negotiated.
More Generation 1 Transformers toys coming soon.  Please bookmark this page.
Transformers G1 Autobot Mini Cassetts Rewind and Steel Jaw COMPLETE and UNBROKEN.  Price $20 for set.   I will also give discounts for purchases of larger amounts of toys, so prices can be negotiated.
Transformers G1 Autobot Throttlebots Searchlight and Freeway COMPLETE and UNBROKEN.  Price $15 for set.   I will also give discounts for purchases of larger amounts of toys, so prices can be negotiated.
Transformers G1 Motormaster  COMPLETE and UNBROKEN, also included instructions booklet.   Price $50.   I will also give discounts for purchases of larger amounts of toys, so prices can be negotiated.
(All of the following Transformers are original Generation 1 from Hasbro, not remakes or bootlegs)
Transformers G1 Decepticons Combiners:  Combaticon Swindle, Combaticon Brawl & Stunticon Breakdown.   Each is COMPLETE and UNBROKEN.  Price $20 each.    I will also give discounts for purchases of larger amounts of toys, so prices can be negotiated.
Transformers G1 Darkwing.   Figure only, stickers are worn.  Price $20.   I will also give discounts for purchases of larger amounts of toys, so prices can be negotiated.
Transformers G1 Jumpstarters.   Figures only.  UNBROKEN.  Price $7 each or both for $10.    I will also give discounts for purchases of larger amounts of toys, so prices can be negotiated.
Transformers G1 Aerealbots Air Raid and Fireflight. COMPLETE and UNBROKEN, plus comes with the instructions (not pictured) and cardback for Air Raid.     Price $20 each or $30 for the set.   I will also give discounts for purchases of larger amounts of toys, so prices can be negotiated.
Transformers G1 Headmaster Mindwipe, with Vorath.   UNBROKEN.  Price $45.   I will also give discounts for purchases of larger amounts of toys, so prices can be negotiated.
Transformers G1 Perceptor.  Only missing one missle.   UNBROKEN.  Price $45.   I will also give discounts for purchases of larger amounts of toys, so prices can be negotiated.
Transformers G1 Thrust.   Almost complete, only missing one missle and wheel to the landing geer.  UNBROKEN.  Most stickers are still intact.  Price $50.   I will also give discounts for purchases of larger amounts of toys, so prices can be negotiated.